Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Generic Utility for Console Logging

I very much belief that you might have used the following statement in your web development:

Again the browser must have been firefox or Safari or chrome.
How about the tackling the same in IE ?

I have used a small hack to skip logging in IE and all those browser which does not support console directly.

Here is the code:

utilities = {
    logMessage: function (text) {
        if ((window['console'] !== undefined)) {

utilities.logMessage (" .... message to log...");

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dynamic custom DOM Events - Mouse Event

As always every post has a reason.
Today I needed a solution where i need to invoke a event (rowclick) on a Ext GridPanel's object which is handled by a delegate function.
This invoking is suppose to be from an non DOM event. So the requirement is to MouseClick Event without clicking the mouse.

To clarify more.

I have a Ext.grid.GridPanel and is populated with some records.
Each 'rowclick' event is handled using a delegate function.

Problem Statement:
On an ajax request error event,
Need to add a row on the top and fire 'rowclick' on the same grid.

Add a new row to the Grid.
Create a custom click event object.
Find the row HTML element.
Fire the custom click event object  on the row HTML elemnt.

1.var message = { Message: 'Communication error, server returned unexpected data', Description: message,    
                          Date: new Date() };
2.var rec = new this.store.recordType(message, ++this.counter);
3.this.store.insert(0, rec);

4.var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
5.evObj.initEvent('click', true, true);
6. gridObj.getView().getRow(0).dispatchEvent(evObj);

Add a new row to the Grid.

1.var message = { Message: 'Communication error, server returned unexpected data', Description: message,    
                          Date: new Date() };
2.var rec = new this.store.recordType(message, ++this.counter);
3.this.store.insert(0, rec);

Create a custom click event object.

4.var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
5.evObj.initEvent('click', true, true);

Find the row HTML element.

Fire the custom click event object  on the row HTML elemnt.

6. gridObj.getView().getRow(0).dispatchEvent(evObj);

Thats iT!!!! Bingo.

Reference:  http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/javascript/domevents